Education to build a better future for all
Education to build a better future for all
Education is a very important thing
in our world. It affects everything. It affects us, other people, our future,
mostly our lives are affected by education. We cant live without education. We
need it since we were born and raised in this world. There’s this one quote
I’ve seen and it is one of the greatest quotes about education, it is
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” – Albert Einstein
So, one of the biggest problems in
our education especially Indonesia, is that all people should take the same
subjects. Which is around 14 subjects. According to the quote I’ve mentioned
before, you can’t judge people just by one ability (in this case a subject).
You cant judge people just by one subject, you cant just tell a person is
stupid just because that person is bad at math? What if he/she actually has an
ability that is so amazing? What if he/she is good at sport? Or art? But the
person never facilitated on their talents? That’s why you cant force people to
do what the person’s not good at.
In Indonesia, you need to study like
around 14 subjects. Which means a lot of our times are spend at school. At
subjects we are good at, and subjects that we don’t even want to study about
it. Our intelligence were just rated by a test at some subjects. Back to the
quote above “it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” what actually
happened when a person live his/her life believing that he/she is stupid is the
person got stressed. Stressed could make a student do bad things, start from
behaving bad to parent, do forbidden things like smoking, drinking, etc. but
when all of the bad things happen, lots of people blamed the students. It is
actually his/her fault, but not all of it was the person’s fault. that’s why it
is wrong to force student to study a subject that the person isn’t good at.
To make a good student, a student should
know their own talent and ability. After knowing their talent, school should
divide them into classes they’re good at. this make the student more confident,
and even give the student a lot more intention in studying. Which cause the
student to be more intelligent in his/her subject. But that doesn’t mean that
students don’t need to study other subject. It still needs to be balanced by
other subject such as moral and life lessons. Because there’s this other quote
“a world is not destroyed by bad people, it caused by the good people who are
letting bad people do it” so a lot of intelligent people actually bad too. Not
because they’re not smart, but because they don’t have morals. The government
is actually a bunch of smart people, right? But why does a lot of government
commit crime? It’s because they don’t have morals.
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